Suggested project topics will be posted on Canvas page for EENG 428 / ENAS 968, under Files → Projects:
Important Dates:
9-Sep-19 — Submit preliminary project selection preferences: project preferences selection instructions
23-Sep-19 — Finalize teams and create git repository for project, initialize repository using script (see script for instrutions)
13-Oct-19 — Submit overview presentation files (slides template)
14-Oct-19 — Project overview presentations
22-Nov-19 — Undergraduate students submit project progress report: project progress report instructions
11-Dec-19 — Submit project final presentation files
11-Dec-19 — Final presentations
18-Dec-19 — Undergraduate students, submit final project report: project progress report instructions and upload all your code to the project's git.
18-Dec-19 — Graduate students, meet about research paper writing plan based on the project, and upload all your code to the project's git.