Call for Papers

Important Dates


Program Committee

Submission Information


Past workshops:

HASP 2017
HASP 2016
HASP 2015
HASP 2014
HASP 2013
HASP 2012

Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) 2018

To be held June 2, 2018 in Los Angeles, California, USA -- in conjunction with ISCA 2018

Submission Information

Submissions must be written in English with at most 8 pages including the bibliography and appendices. Submissions must be in double-column ISCA 2018 format. All accepted full papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library; Work-in-Progress papers are not included. The proceedings will be published throuh ACM ICPS and available through the ACM Digital Library.

Electronic Submission Information

Papers can be submitted electronically via the EasyChair web page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hasp2018.