Call for Papers

Important Dates


Program Committee

Submission Information


Past workshops:

HASP 2016
HASP 2015
HASP 2014
HASP 2013
HASP 2012

Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy (HASP) 2017

To be held Sunday, June 25, 2017 in Toronto, Canada -- in conjunction with ISCA 2017

Workshop Program

8:00 - 9:00 ISCA Provided Breakfast
9:00 - 9:10 Welcome Remarks
Session 1
9:10 - 9:40 A Lightweight AES Implementation Against Bivariate First-Order DPA Attacks
Weize Yu and Selcuk Kose (University of South Florida)
Presentation Slides
9:40 - 10:10 Shakti-T : A RISC-V Processor with Light Weight Security Extensions
Arjun Menon, Subadra Murugan, Chester Rebeiro, Neel Gala, Kamakoti Veezhinathan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
Presentation Slides
10:10 - 10:40 Break
Session 2
10:40 - 11:10 Host-based DoS Attacks and Defense in the Cloud
Tianwei Zhang, Ruby Lee (Princeton University)
Presentation Slides
11:10 - 11:40 SeM: A CPU Architecture Extension for Secure Remote Computing
Ofir Shwartz, Yitzhak Birk (Technion)
Presentation Slides
11:40 - 12:10 Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) Architecture for Virtualization of Secure Memory
Somnath Chakrabarti, Rebekah Leslie-Hurd, Mona Vij, Frank McKeen, Carlos Rozas, Dror Caspi, Ilya Alexandrovich, Ittai Anati (Intel)
Presentation Slides
12:30 - 1:30 ISCA Provided Lunch
Session 3
1:30 - 2:00 Lightweight Block Cipher Circuits for Automotive and IoT Sensor Devices
Santosh Ghosh, Li Zhao, Rafael Misoczki, Manoj Sastry (Intel Corporation)
Presentation Slides
2:00 - 2:30 Position Paper: Challenges Towards Securing Hardware-assisted Execution Environments
Zhenyu Ning, Fengwei Zhang, Weisong Shi (Wayne State University), Larry Shi (University of Houston)
Presentation Slides
2:30 - 3:00 HA2lloc: Hardware-Assisted Secure Allocator
Orlando Arias, Dean Sullivan, Yier Jin (University of Central Florida)
Presentation Slides
3:00 - 3:05 Closing Remarks